Beautiful Baby Sphynx

Baby Sphynx

🌸🌸 We have a beautiful singleton Sphynx born to Shalnavazz Tara and George. Pip was tiny when she was born a week ago but is getting bigger and stronger everyday. 🌸🌸

Lykoi Se Ri at GCCF show

Shalnavazz Lykoi Se Ri
🌸🌸 SHALNAVAZZ LYKOI SE RI, long haired black roan, did very well at her GCCF show on Saturday. 🌸🌸

Lykoi cannot compete for championship yet with the GCCF.
I took three Lykoi on Saturday and each got a merit. This is to further the breed and eventually achieve championship status.

Two beautiful BLACK ROAN LYKOI sisters

Two beautiful BLACK ROAN LYKOI sisters are now looking for their forever home together.

🌸🌸 I have two nearly five year old girls who are looking for a fabulous forever home please.
I would prefer to keep them together but will let one go alone if I have to.
The girls are healthy and up to date with their vaccinations.
Darya and Nousha are very sweet but shy to start with. Please get in touch for further information 🌸🌸

Photos courtesy of animal photographer Tim Flach

Great show/regional banquet

Sphynx Shalnavazz Da Li at regional show

What a truly amazing show weekend. Great results and a great show/regional banquet.

My home bred Sphynx Shalnavazz Da Li pulled a hat trick with ten out of ten finals, ranging from two first’s downwards.

Blue Lykoi kitten Shalnavazz Maia at regional show

Blue Lykoi kitten Shalnavazz Maia was in HHP as she’s not black and also got ten finals. She was quite shy!